The dining room and the kitchen came together fairly well (although I was cheeky and skipped doing the boards going into the pantry "to a later date" (hoping those damned fairies might turn up, no sign of them next).
Next was up the hallway, fairly problem free. This is the point where I gasped, with my hand to my chest in a very feminine way (yep, I definitely didn't curse like a sailor and make large wavvy hand motions), and realised, holy fuck, I need to start in my BEDROOM and meet the hallway, because these damn boards dont really lay backwards. Heh.
So starting in a completely different room, and then coming along the small part of the hallway to meet the rest of the hallway, was an utter act of faith that the walls were square and equal and the planets were aligned and the moon was in the right phase (Taurus, probably) so that things just worked. And guess what....?
They did!!! Amazing. I must have bargained with the right god that day. (Is there a god of renovating? If not, there should be).
Having flooring in my bedroom is amazing by the way. To be able to change the bedding and actually put the cover-less doona on the floor is a beautiful thing. To hop out of bed and place my feet on silky smooth, lovely boards, is a great way to start the day. Just think on that, next time you get out of bed, and wiggle your toes into your carpet or whatever it is that covers your floors. There are people out there, like me, who have lived on nasty, dusty concrete. Or worse. If you are not grateful for your floor coverings, well in my opinion you damned well should be. Hmph.
So the next part was heading into the bedrooms. The final phase. The last in the series. The grande finale. Unfortunatley this involved going through doorways, which are in the same direction of the boards. This means, spending a whole frigging hour on three boards, measuring, cutting, sqeezing, hammering.... arguing and having a barney about how to go about it.... me using the word "fine then" in a grumpy manner and meaning that it is not very fine at all.
It's amazing that Daniel has survived this far really. Credit to him, for sticking with the crazy flooring lady who stares red eyed at the clock and mumbles ""
I'm happy to announce that the spare room is done! This is the nasty room, the room of doom... its looking pretty darn good now.
So just one room to go! Once the tricky strupid I-hate-you-so-much doorway bits are done, it should only be a night or three to get the rest down (or one solid weekend day. You know, those days on the weekends where you have nothing planned so you can focus on your renovation? No? Me neither). And then done! *cough*other than all the fiddly bits like cupboards, wardrobes and pantry that I've cleaverly avoided *cough*
Ah, the end of the road is so close I can almost see it. Unfortunately, it looks like a roller and involves paint... but we're not thinking about that right now.
Oh, and in other news, I have a washing machine now. Thanks mum *kiss kiss*
*sigh* the pictures doing the "to the side" thing again? Really? Get a new trick already! |
Zed thinks that watching washing is pretty awesome cat entertainment. Goes to show how much of an awesome entertaining cat mum I am. I wonder if that's considered cruelty?
Did I tell you about the Great Clothesline Disaster? No?
Well it was a dark and stormy night.... no, it wasn't actually. We haven't had decent rain in months. It was a bright and washing-friendly day, and I was doing my thing, and talking to mum on the phone at the same time, when I pulled a sheet of the clothes line. Apparently unpegging without full attention is clotheslinespeak for "kill and maim owner" because then the line, without warning decided to collapse my general direction. Much unlady like jumping and shrieking ensued. I didn't die, you'll be glad to know. The line is now significantly shorter (have you ever priced a new Hills hoist?! Oh lordy those things must be gold on the inside, or made with the skeletons of blonde haired babies. True story), and hopefully not prone to falling on my head again.